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My Goal is to make sure you get Health and Medical information that’s actually reliable
Hi, I’m Doctor Mike Hansen, I’m a Board-Certified Pulmonologist, Intensivist, and Internist.
So much of the Health and Medical advice I see online is either incorrect or flat-out fraudulent.
My mission is to disseminate reliable, science-based health and medical information and wisdom to as many people as I can, so we can all make better choices, be healthier and happier, and live a better life, overall.
Are You Tired Of Being Tired All The Time? Do You Wish You Had More Energy?
The “experts”........ ARE WRONG about how to increase your energy.
In my new, FREE email course, 6 Days To More Energy, you’re going to learn:

Board-certified Pulmonologist & Internist
Doctor Mike Hansen reveals what really works when it comes to increasing your energy…
(IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm planning to turn this into a PAID course soon, so click here to get your copy NOW, while it's still FREE!)
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Including the latest updates on COVID, Tips, Tricks, and the latest research on Exercise, Health, Fitness, Diet, and more…
(Check The Mike Hansen Show YouTube Channel - You’ll even get some fun ‘Behind the Scenes’ stuff — you’ll get to meet my Dog Legend, I’ll take you on a ride to Mount Rushmore on my Harley Davidson, and lots more cool stuff!)