COVID Outbreak USA: COVID is spreading across the globe. When uploading this video, there were 20,670 confirmed cases of novel covid infection, with a vast majority of them in China. Of those 20,670 cases, there are about 460 pneumonia cases and 427 total deaths. Also, in this COVID Outbreak USA video, I forgot to relay

Is it safe to take Advil and related medications? Advil (aka ibuprofen) and related medications are called NSAIDs. What are NSAIDs? NSAIDs, meaning Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are mainly used to treat pain and/or inflammation and can reduce fever as well. There are over 20 different NSAIDs available, and most of them do not require a

Powers of Attention: The Challenges of Maintaining the Brain’s Ability to Focus, and How to Meet Them If you are reading this, most likely you are sitting at a computer. You’ve got some other browsers open, including your email, which you probably can’t help but check from time to time.  Maybe your phone sits nearby

If a future scribe one day writes the annals of cannabis in America, it will be hard to say the exact moment when CBD went mainstream. Was it when CBD products reached the shelves of Walgreens? When CBD doggy treats became a thing? Or when Time magazine did a cover story? When all is said

CBD for Epilepsy – Long before the CBD first came to millions of people’s attention worldwide due to the story of a little girl from Colorado who was suffering the most debilitating form of Epilepsy, called Dravet’s Syndrome. Charlotte Figi had her first seizure at 3 months and by the time she was 5 she

The Toronto Wolfpack is an unusual sports franchise. In 2016, they were the first North American team to compete in the British Rugby League Football system, and they promptly won a league title in 2017. This year, they did something even more unprecedented. The Wolfpack launched a line of CBD products developed specifically for athletes,

The oldest documented medicinal use of Cannabis is in The Vedas, the Hindu texts of ancient India that date back to 2,000 B.C. In those texts, cannabis is regarded as a sacred plant in whose leaves live a guardian angel. Interestingly, the sages who compiled The Vedas believed the plant had the power to release

It’s hard to sift through all the claims made for CBD’s benefits and not be left somewhat confused. Perhaps never before in the history of modern medicine have so many applications been touted for a single substance. CBD is promoted as an effective treatment for anxiety, depression, migraines, fibromyalgia, epilepsy, and insomnia, among dozens of

Does CBD really help Relieve Pain: Among the many terrible things about pain are the various forms it comes in? We all know the pain of tender collision—the impact on your shin, say, of that table leg—or the agonies of a slow dawning toothache. Some pain, such as arthritis, is less acute but more seemingly

Does CBD Get You High: Cannabis, from the days of reefer madness on down, has been known for its intoxicating effects. Those effects—the “high” or “stone”—are due to THC, the most dominant and psychoactive of the more than 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis. But as we have come to better understand cannabis, both in its