COVID FAQ – Answered by Doctor Mike Hansen 

By  Dr. Mike Hansen

COVID FAQ – Board Certified Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician Doctor Mike Hansen answers more questions about COVID in this video. Such as:

  1. How did COVID originate?
    Ans: In December 2019, Chinese doctors started noticing new pneumonia cases of unknown cause. The severe pneumonia was causing more and more deaths. Based on genetic studies, this new virus, dubbed SARS-CoV-2, was traced back to bats. It went from bats to humans through an intermediate host, most likely in the wholesale seafood market in Wuhan. The intermediate host is thought to be a pangolin, but this has not been proven yet.
  2. What are the most common symptoms of COVID?
    Ans: By far the most common symptoms of COVID are fever and a dry cough. If patients have pneumonia, they will likely have shortness of breath. Interestingly, based on numbers in South Korea, 30% of patients reported that they could not smell or taste anything, and that lasted anywhere from 5-10 days.
  3. How do people get infected by Covid
    Ans: Watch the video – COVID FAQ
  4. Is Covid is airborne
    Ans: It can remain airborne for up to 3 hours.
  5. How long does Covid last on surfaces
    Ans: Depends on the surface. Plastic stainless steel can be 3 days. The cardboard can be 24 hours.
  6. Can patients get reinfected after recovering from COVID
    Ans: Usually when we get sick, it takes our bodies 2 weeks to develop antibodies to that infecting agent. And then we don’t get sick from the same infecting agent again (usually). But there are some cases with COVID where patients recover, but then get symptoms again 5-7 days later.
    So right now we don’t for sure if some people get reinfected. I think likely what happened in these cases, is that they got reinfected before their body had a chance to develop antibodies.
  7. Is wearing a mask is important for Covid
    Ans: Watch the video – COVID FAQ
  8. What’s the death rate of COVID
    South Korea did a lot of tests (about x per day). Based on studies in China and in South Korea, the death rate for those –
    ~ above 80 is around 12%
    ~ 70s – 6%
    ~ 60’s 2%
    ~ 50’s 0.5%
    ~ 40’s and below 0.1%
    In Korea, 90% of those who died were over the age of 60.
  9. Why Covid is so deadly for aged people
    Ans: Watch the video – COVID FAQ
  10. What about NSAIDs ( Ibuprofen )
    Ans: Watch the video – COVID FAQ
  11. How do NSAIDs work
    Ans: Watch the video – COVID FAQ
  12. Prediction for Covid
    Ans: Watch the video – COVID FAQ

Please watch the video in total to get all these questions answer:


Doctor Mike Hansen, MD
Internal Medicine | Pulmonary Disease | Critical Care Medicine

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