Do you feel TIRED a lot of the time?

New York Doctor Reveals 6 Simple Steps That Can Dramatically Increase Your Energy, Every Day...

...and YOU WON’T HAVE TO take supplements or pills...

YOU WON’T HAVE TO do extreme workouts...

YOU WON’T HAVE TO change your entire life around...

YOU WON’T HAVE TO spend hours meditating every day...

YOU WON’T EVEN HAVE TO give up any of the foods you love!

This new, energy-boosting “system” is ALL NATURAL, easy, and requires almost no additional work, effort, or time on your part!

If you feel tired all the time, or just some of the time, and you would love to feel A LOT more energy, every single day... and just FEEL A LOT BETTER, a lot more of the time...

this article is for you.

On this page, you’re going to learn what REALLY works when it comes to increasing your energy — you’re going to learn...

  • The REAL reason you feel so tired so much of the time.
  • Why most of the advice from the so-called “experts” and “gurus” about increasing your energy... is just plain WRONG.
  • Why you can STILL feel really tired a lot of the time, even when you think you’re doing the right things to increase your energy!
  • An easy technique for CUMULATIVELY building your energy, so you feel AMAZING every day!
  • The TRUTH about exercise... AND... how to exercise in a way that actually makes you feel a lot more energetic, every day.
  • What the sleep experts aren’t telling you... because they aren’t up to speed on the latest sleep research. (HINT: It’s not just how much you sleep, it’s WHEN you sleep that matters too!)
  • 6 simple steps that anyone can do... that take only a few minutes a day (or less)... that can RAPIDLY and DRAMATICALLY increase your energy!
  • And lots more...

If you want the REAL secrets to feeling MUCH MORE ENERGY every single day, then keep reading...

Hi, I’m Dr. Mike Hansen.

Please watch this short video, so I can introduce myself...

Here’s why you feel so tired so much of the time...

(And why most of the advice on how to increase your energy is just plain WRONG...)

Most people don’t understand how our bodies create and use energy.

Most of the so-called health “experts” and “gurus” don’t understand it either.

When I was doing my medical internship... and my energy was super-low... and I was totally out of balance... I didn’t understand it either.

Here’s the thing:

Understanding how our bodies create and use energy is the KEY to increasing your energy on a daily basis, and feeling better much more of the time.

The reason most people have chronic fatigue, and feel so worn out all the time is: they are doing things that WORK AGAINST their bodies.

They’re doing things that don’t align with how the body actually creates and uses energy.

And they’re doing these things because they don’t understand how the body actually creates and uses energy.


If you want more energy... and you want to feel better a lot more of the time... need to understand how the body creates and uses energy, and then do the things that WORK WITH those processes... not AGAINST them!

Did you know that...

  • There is a certain kind of energy (not physical energy) that most people overlook, because it’s not as obvious or visible... but this kind of energy is LARGELY responsible for whether you feel good or bad on any given day. This kind of energy is what makes you feel excited, enthusiastic, and happy.
  • There’s something that virtually anyone can do (even if you’re over 80 years old and totally out of shape) that can cumulatively build your energy, so you feel more, and more, and more of it, on a daily basis...
  • When you limit your intake of sugar and/or carbs... you’re not only depriving yourself of lots of enjoyment (eating is meant to be an enjoyable part of life!)... but you’re also depriving your body of one of its MAIN sources of energy... and by doing that, YOU ARE WORKING AGAINST YOUR BODY — you’re actually making it more difficult for your body to create the energy you crave!
  • In order to create more energy... you need more mitochondria and bigger mitochondria (most people don’t know this)... and there are EASY ways to increase the number and size of your mitochondria, so you can start feeling more energy almost immediately!
  • We ALL naturally lose some of our capacity to create energy as we age... but YOU DON’T HAVE TO! There is a super-simple solution, and something easy and fast that you can do that only takes a few minutes every day, or even every other day, that can STOP (and even REVERSE) this age-related energy loss.
  • Most people are working against their body by not exercising at all, or not enough. But also, MANY people who do exercise... without knowing it,
    are exercising in ways that are WORKING AGAINST their body, and making it much more difficult for their bodies to produce more energy for them to enjoy.
  • We ALL naturally lose some of our capacity to create energy as we age... but YOU DON’T HAVE TO! There is a super-simple solution, and something easy and fast that you can do that only takes a few minutes every day, or even every other day, that can STOP (and even REVERSE) this age-related energy loss.
  • If you do certain things (that most people do every single day)... it creates a vicious cycle of energy depletion in your body... that makes your energy levels go lower and lower. You may have felt this before. BUT... if you do certain OTHER things, you can not only REVERSE this vicious cycle of energy depletion, but you can actually create a virtuous cycle that keeps increasing your energy more and more. (You will love it when you get to this point, and I’m going to show you how!)

In other words... the bottom line is... if you want to feel A LOT more energy on a daily basis, YOU DEFINITELY CAN... but first...

You need to learn how to work WITH your body, and stop working AGAINST it!

As I mentioned in the short video above... (if you haven’t watched it yet, go watch it now, then come back here!)

...when I was doing my internship to become a doctor, I was working crazy hours, and there was a tremendous amount of stress on me to perform... and I soon fell WAY out of balance, and my daily energy plummeted!

tired doctor

I tried the advice I found from experts on the internet and in books, but it ended up making things worse for me — I felt even less energy... and I felt even worse every day.

Eventually, by doing my own research and study, I finally learned how our bodies really create and use energy, and then I started doing the things that ALIGN WITH and SUPPORT these processes...

And I stopped doing the things that WORK AGAINST these processes (the things that a lot of the “experts” and “gurus” recommend).

This is when everything turned around for me... and it happened FAST too

After I learned how my body really creates and uses energy...

And I started doing the things that WORK WITH those processes...

And I stopped doing the things that WORK AGAINST those processes...

My energy SHOT UP...

I felt SO MUCH BETTER every day.

And after I felt better and had more energy...


I was actually EAGER to get out of bed in the morning, and get going!

I was HAPPY to see people.

I was HAPPY to go to work.

I was HAPPY so much more of the time, in all areas of my life!

And everything got so much EASIER and BETTER in my life.

That’s what having LOTS OF ENERGY can do for you.

It. Was. Awesome!

How you can make this happen for YOU too!

After I saw how well this worked, I started recommending the same strategies to my patients, and they got the same kind of amazing results I did.

And so now, I want to share what I learned with as many people as I can, because it’s made such a HUGE difference in my life, and it’s made a HUGE difference in the lives of my patients... and I know it can make a HUGE difference in your life too.

So... I created a brand new online course and I filled it with everything I learned about increasing energy. 

In just a minute, I’m going to show you how you can (for a very limited time) get this new course for a special, deeply-discounted price... you’re going to love the price, because it’s super affordable!

But, what you’re going to love even more is how you feel after you start putting this course to use. Once you start feeling all of your natural energy coming back, you’re going to feel SO GREAT again. 

And, I’ve seen this transformation happen FAST, for so many people... so keep reading!

I call this new course...

How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue

In my new online course — How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue, you’re going to learn:

  • Why you’ll NEVER need to rely on “cheap” and temporary sources of energy EVER AGAIN... like caffeine, energy drinks, temporary sugar highs (that all inevitably follow with devastating crashes). The TRUTH is: you have more than enough natural energy, available to you almost all the time... you just need to learn how to harness it and make it available to you. (I’ll teach you how, starting in Video 1 of this course!)
  • How you can kick chronic fatigue to the curb... and make sure it never comes back again!
  • In case you’re wondering... you should NOT be tired all the time. Your body is not meant to function that way. In this course, I’m going to show you exactly WHY you feel tired a lot of the time... and I’m going to give you the very best (and largely unknown) strategies for unlocking, releasing, harnessing, and increasing your natural stores of energy, that are almost always available to you.
  • Do you feel like you can “never get going?” Even on your days off? Does it feel like there is something dragging you down, holding you back? We’re going to look at what this is... why it’s there... and how to get rid of it!
  • The three “levers” that control your energy most... (These are common, every day things, but most people don’t understand how they are linked to your energy levels, and so most people don’t understand how to use these three levers to skyrocket their energy! You’re going to learn how in this course!)
  • You’re finally going to learn WHY you hate waking up... WHY you hate the sound of your alarm... WHY you hate mornings... WHY you hate the idea of getting up and going to work. I’m going to show you EXACTLY why most people feel this way almost every morning... and then I’m going to show you how you can change it... and actually start LOVING your mornings (the answer starts in Video 3 in the course!)
  • Why you really need to understand how energy works, and how your body actually uses it... in order to increase your energy, feel more of it every day, and feel a lot better!
  • A super-simple plan for eating... that makes it easy to know exactly how much to eat of what kind of food at every meal! (Watch Video 23 for this awesome tip.) (And no... you DON’T have to give up ANY of your favorite foods to make this work!)
  • The SECRET to sleeping in a way that can significantly BOOST your energy... (watch Video 14 to get this secret!)
  • Most people don’t realize that they spend a lot of their time in a low level of FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT, or SURVIVAL MODE and this is CONSTANTLY expending your energy, without you even realizing it. We spend so much time in this almost imperceptible energy-draining state because of the stress in our lives. This is one of the biggest reasons people are so fatigued and have so little energy. You first have to see and understand that this is happening, and then, and only then, can you do what’s needed to fix it. (We’ll talk all about this in Video 15...)
  • Why “experts,” authors, gurus, and the media DEMONIZE the foods that we actually can’t live without!... like carbs and fat. I’m going to give you a super simple system for knowing how to eat carbs and fat in a way that helps you win 3 times. I’ll show you how to eat carbs and fat in a way that (1) keeps you healthy, (2) increases your energy, and (3) allows you to actually enjoy the food you eat - that’s 3 wins!
  • Ever have those days where you just feel good almost the whole day? And you feel really good about yourself? And your outlook on life is really good, and positive, and everything just seems better?... Ever have days where it’s the complete opposite? You feel terrible, you feel down on yourself, life seems like it sucks, and you don’t want to do anything at all?......... The difference is usually ENERGY! And we’re going to not only look at WHY... but also how to switch it so you get MANY MORE of those amazing, excellent days where everything FEELS GREAT!
  • THIS ONE THING ALONE... (that you’ll learn about in Video 10...) increases your physical energy and your mental energy, balances your hormones, improves your sleep, makes your body healthier, protects you from serious diseases, AND... can make you feel happy within minutes! Don’t miss this — this is SUPER IMPORTANT to know!
  • More exercise creates more oxygen in the body, which creates more energy for you! (In this course, you’re going to learn exactly how to get this process started in your body, ASAP.)
  • How being inactive can actually DECREASE your effectiveness and efficiency at work, at school, and in dealing with the people in your life...
  • One of the MOST POWERFUL THINGS YOU CAN DO to increase your energy... that only takes minutes each day. (Watch Video 11 now!)
  • The different stages of sleep, and how each affects your daily energy... (see Video 13)
  • Some foods provide you with energy more efficiently than others. You don’t need to radically change your diet, but it is SO EASY to start incorporating some of these high-energy-efficient foods into your diet and start feeling MUCH MORE energy almost right away. In Video 7 in the course, I’m going to reveal these foods, so you can get started today!
  • The best kind of exercise you can do if you have chronic fatigue (watch Video 24...)
  • MOST PEOPLE have too much of THIS in their body... and this ONE THING... causes severe drops in energy, AND poor sleep quality, AND cravings for junk food, AND less motivation for exercise, AND higher blood glucose levels, AND higher blood pressure, AND weight gain, AND more anger, irritation, overwhelm, and stress... (Make sure you know what this ONE THING is, so you can AVOID it!)
  • In Video 14, you’ll discover the stupid-simple thing you can do every day that can dramatically increase your daily energy. The best part is... it takes no extra time or effort to do this every day!
  • The SURPRISING reason so many people have the “Sunday Scaries” or “Sunday Blues” the night before going back to work for the week... (and how to fix this so you can avoid the “Sunday Scaries,” and actually look forward to getting back to work on Mondays!)
  • A bunch of fun and exciting things you can do starting today that will increase and improve your overall mental energy and brain power, regardless of your age, or current condition.
  • The almost magical kind of exercise that can make you feel decades younger, that can multiply your energy, and build a healthier, fitter, sexier body too... OH... and anyone can do this kind of exercise, no matter how old you are, no matter what shape you’re in (or not in), no matter what you weight, no matter how flexible or inflexible you are... you can do this even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life.
  • What really happens in your body when you eat protein... and why its importance has been blown way out of proportion by many so-called “experts.”
  • Should you take vitamins? I’ll talk about this in Video 7 in the course.
  • You’re going to finally understand why so many people KNOW that they need to exercise regularly (for a whole host of reasons, including more energy)... but never actually DO it. This is critical, because if you don’t exercise enough, you first need to understand what is standing in your way... and then you can finally do something about it!
  • Why so few people truly understand that EXERCISE IS AN INCREDIBLE SUPERPOWER that every human being has access to. Because they haven’t studied it or looked into it deeply enough, most people don’t see that exercise is almost like a magic wand that you can wave for increased health, happiness, and energy. Once you see all the different things exercise can do for you, you will be SO MUCH MORE MOTIVATED to start doing it!
  • I’m going to give you a SUPER-SIMPLE, 6-step plan that can (almost immediately) improve your energy, and make your life A LOT more enjoyable again... (These are the same 6 steps I used when I was at my lowest point, when my energy was SUPER DEPLETED, when I was doing my medical internship, with crazy hours and crazy stress. These 6 steps saved me — they helped me get my energy back and helped me get through a very tough time in my life!)


Imagine waking up feeling fully refreshed, and FULLY ENERGIZED each and every day... HAPPY to get going and enjoy your day!

Imagine having SO MUCH MORE energy ALL THROUGHOUT THE DAY... just imagine how great that would feel!

Imagine having all the energy you need to perform at your best, no matter what you’re doing.

Imagine increasing your energy by ton, AND... STILL BEING ABLE TO ENJOY LIFE... without having to give up your favorite foods or drinks, or make any other sacrifices...

Imagine being AS ACTIVE AS YOU WANT... regardless of your age!

Imagine having TONS more energy every day... AND knowing that you are also improving and increasing your health, more and more, every day!

Are you skeptical?

Is it hard to believe that just 6 simple steps, that take just a few minutes a day (or less), can really do ALL THAT for you?

It might sound unbelievable that 6 simple steps could create all of those big, positive changes and results in your life…

...especially since they only take a few minutes a day, or less!

But, it’s true.

These 6 simple steps you’re going to learn have been scientifically proven to work! (In the next section below, I’ll actually show you the scientific studies and research they’re based on!)

The fact is...

All of that great stuff can happen for YOU too.

It has already happened for me, and many of my patients.

And it can happen for you…

...WITHOUT taking supplements or pills

...WITHOUT extreme workouts or tiring exercise routines

...WITHOUT meditating for hours every day

...WITHOUT changing your entire life around

...WITHOUT making huge sacrifices

...WITHOUT giving up the foods and drinks you love!

All you need to do is learn the 6 simple steps in my new course: How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue...

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn in my new course —

How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue:

  • Why most people stay stuck in patterns of chronic fatigue, feeling lethargic, and lifeless most days... (HINT: They never really take the time to understand what energy is, and how it really works! In Videos 3 and 4 in the course, you’re going to learn what most people don’t know about energy... and you’ll be surprised by how much of a difference it can make having this knowledge!)
  • A different kind of energy that most people overlook, because it’s not as obvious or visible... but this kind of energy is LARGELY responsible for whether you feel good or bad on any given day. This kind of energy is what makes you feel excited, enthusiastic, and happy.
  • PLEASE IGNORE the people that say you need to stop eating carbs! Carbs are literally the fuel that powers your body’s muscles and brain. In this course, you’re going to learn how to eat carbs the right way, so you get a ton more energy, and so you can STILL ENJOY eating carbs!
  • To feel more energy every day, you need to create more mitochondria in your cells, and make those mitochondria bigger. I’m going to show you the best ways to achieve this, so you can wake up feeling great, and have a lot more great-feeling, high-energy days!
  • Why, and how, exercise actually CREATES more energy in your body (not depletes it!)... (see Video 24 for the answer)
  • 2 different ways your WORK and CAREER can cause chronic fatigue... (see Video 20 so you can AVOID these!)
  • Why “USE IT OR LOSE IT” is 100% applicable to your body. If you’re not using your muscles, you’re losing your muscles... and if you lose muscle, you lose a lot of your capacity to create energy in your body... and the less capacity you have to make energy in your body... the less energy you will have. In this course, you’re going to learn what you have to do to maintain a healthy proportion of muscle and energy in your body... and why it’s nowhere near as HARD or TIME-CONSUMING as most people think!
  • In Video 11, we’ll look at something that 81% of people ignore... that is actually making their hearts and lungs WEAKER every day... which can lead to whole host of serious diseases and severe medical conditions. (You’re going to learn all about this so you can protect your health and live a happier, easier life!)
  • Why so many people feel fatigue on a regular basis, even when they don’t do much of ANYTHING!
  • Why sleeping more... does NOT equal more energy... (see Video 14)
  • The kind of exercise that boosts your energy FASTEST (this is revealed in Video 24)
  • Why it’s MUCH SIMPLER than you think to dramatically increase your energy... even just stepping outside for a few minutes each day can make a BIG difference. In Video 27 we’ll talk about this and some other VERY SIMPLE tips that can immediately help increase your energy levels, every day.
  • Why many people use “solutions” to sleeping problems that are temporary “band-aids” and NOT sustainable... and sometimes actually HARMFUL.
  • What stress really is... and how it affects our energy levels on a consistent, daily basis... and why most people never realize that it’s such a HUGE drain on our energy (see Video 15)
  • The real reason being overweight decreases your overall energy... and why you don’t have to lose lots of weight to start feeling better and more energetic right away.
  • Ever hear someone say they quit sugar? RIDICULOUS! These people surely don’t mean what they’re saying, because your body cannot survive without sugar. In this course, I’m going to show you why sugar is important, how to get what you need from it, and how you can actually still enjoy it... AND BE HEALTHY... and full of energy on a daily basis!
  • Why you need to be VERY CAREFUL with so-called “energy-boosting” supplements... (Many of these supplements have been hyped in the media and claim to have scientific proof that they boost energy... but the science is DUBIOUS and there’s actually no proof that they work... and some of these supplements may actually HARM you.)
  • Watch Video 7 to find out why increasing your muscle mass, even by just a little bit, can have a tremendous positive impact on your energy levels... and how anyone can accomplish this, regardless of age, fitness level, flexibility, mobility, and even desire to do exercise!
  • And there’s lots more...

Who Is The How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue Course For? (And Who Is It NOT For?)

If you feel tired a lot of the time, or even just some of the time, and you would LOVE to have more energy, and just feel better, much more of the time... this course is for you!

If you are between the ages of 18 and 88... this course is for you!

(Your age doesn’t matter — this course works for anyone, of any age.)

If you’re a man or a woman... this course is for you!

(This course works just as well for men and women.)

If you’re seriously out of shape, if your body is very inflexible, if your body has limited mobility, even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life... this course is for you!

(It doesn’t matter what shape you’re in right now. You don’t need to be in good shape for this course to work for you.)

If you’re seriously tired a lot of the time, and you think nothing will ever help you regain your energy... this course is for you!

(It doesn’t matter how tired you feel, the strategies in this course can help you regain your natural energy and start feeling A LOT better.)

The only person this course is not for... is the person who doesn’t have an open mind, the person who isn’t willing to try new ideas, the person who isn’t willing to take action, the person who is looking for a magical quick-fix that solves all their problems.

If that’s you, this course won’t work for you, but if you have an open mind, and you’re willing to try new things, and make a few, small, reasonable changes in your life, then you could start increasing your energy BY A LOT, very quickly!

How this course is different...

  • You can still be a regular person – you don’t need to be a health and fitness nut, or go on some strict diet to get great results with my course.
  • Nothing in this course requires a lot of time. You can increase your energy dramatically, and rapidly, with this course, in just a few minutes each day (or less).
  • The strategies in this course only require you to make small changes to your life, and make them gradually. With just a few additional minutes each day, or even every other day, you should start seeing some excellent new results!
  • This is NOT just a bunch of energy-boosting strategies thrown together with the HOPE that they will increase your energy and make you feel better. This is a CAREFULLY DESIGNED SYSTEM that is based on the latest medical and scientific research, and this system has already helped me and many of my patients.
  • You won’t have to do crazy, time-consuming workouts or start some intense exercise routine. This course advocates exercise, but in a way that is actually EASY, and that makes your body actually WANT to do it on a consistent basis!
  • UNLIKE MOST OTHER programs that claim to help you increase your energy, this program is based on real scientific research. As a doctor (I’m a board certified internist, intensivist, and pulmonologist), I’ve seen that the programs and strategies that are based on the conclusions of real medical and scientific research just work better for most people.

    This is why...

My How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course was designed using the conclusions from 39 different scientific research papers and studies, all of which are listed here for your reference:

  1. 1
    Mitochondria, National Human Genome Research Institute.
  2. 2
    Wallace, D.C., Fan, W. and Procaccio, V., 2010. Mitochondrial energetics and therapeutics. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease, 5, pp.297-348.
  3. 3
    Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L. and Stryer, L., 2002. Metabolism is composed of many coupled, interconnecting reactions. Biochemistry. 5th ed. New York: WH Freeman.
  4. 4
    Bass, J. and Takahashi, J.S., 2010. Circadian integration of metabolism and energetics. Science, 330(6009), pp.1349-1354.
  5. 5
    Wlodek, D. and Gonzales, M., 2003. Decreased energy levels can cause and sustain obesity. Journal of theoretical biology, 225(1), pp.33-44.
  6. 6
    Jequier, E., 1994. Carbohydrates as a source of energy. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 59(3), pp.682S-685S.
  7. 7
    Canhada, S., Castro, K., Perry, I.S. and Luft, V.C., 2018. Omega-3 fatty acids’ supplementation in Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review. Nutritional neuroscience, 21(8), pp.529-538.
  8. 8
    Johnson, K. and Sattari, M., 2015. Vitamin D deficiency and fatigue: an unusual presentation. SpringerPlus, 4(1), pp.1-4.
  9. 9
    Cappelletti, S., Daria, P., Sani, G. and Aromatario, M., 2015. Caffeine: cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug?. Current neuropharmacology, 13(1), pp.71-88.
  10. 10
    Goodman, C.A., Horvath, D., Stathis, C., Mori, T., Croft, K., Murphy, R.M. and Hayes, A., 2009. Taurine supplementation increases skeletal muscle force production and protects muscle function during and after high-frequency in vitro stimulation. Journal of Applied Physiology, 107(1), pp.144-154.
  11. 11
    Casey, A. and Greenhaff, P.L., 2000. Does dietary creatine supplementation play a role in skeletal muscle metabolism and performance?. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 72(2), pp.607S-617S.
  12. 12
    Garrido-Maraver, J., Cordero, M.D., Oropesa-Ávila, M., Vega, A.F., De La Mata, M., Pavón, A.D., De Miguel, M., Calero, C.P., Paz, M.V., Cotán, D. and Sánchez-Alcázar, J.A., 2014. Coenzyme q10 therapy. Molecular Syndromology, 5(3-4), pp.187-197.
  13. 13
    Jankowski, C.M., Gozansky, W.S., Van Pelt, R.E., Wolfe, P., Schwartz, R.S. and Kohrt, W.M., 2011. Oral dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in older adults: effects on central adiposity, glucose metabolism and blood lipids. Clinical endocrinology, 75(4), pp.456-463.
  14. 14
    Baker, W.L., Karan, S. and Kenny, A.M., 2011. Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on muscle strength and physical function in older adults: a systematic review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 59(6), pp.997-1002.
  15. 15
    Bach, H.V., Kim, J., Myung, S.K. and Cho, Y.A., 2016. Efficacy of ginseng supplements on fatigue and physical performance: a meta-analysis. Journal of Korean medical science, 31(12), p.1879.
  16. 16
    Puetz, T.W., Flowers, S.S. and O’Connor, P.J., 2008. A randomized controlled trial of the effect of aerobic exercise training on feelings of energy and fatigue in sedentary young adults with persistent fatigue. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 77(3), pp.167-174.
  17. 17
    Mairbäurl, H., 2013. Red blood cells in sports: effects of exercise and training on oxygen supply by red blood cells. Frontiers in physiology, 4, p.332.
  18. 18
    Menshikova, E.V., Ritov, V.B., Fairfull, L., Ferrell, R.E., Kelley, D.E. and Goodpaster, B.H., 2006. Effects of exercise on mitochondrial content and function in aging human skeletal muscle. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 61(6), pp.534-540.
  19. 19
    Youngstedt, S.D., 2005. Effects of exercise on sleep. Clinics in sports medicine, 24(2), pp.355-365.
  20. 20
    5. Benefits of Physical Activity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  21. 21
    Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
  22. 22
    Brinkman, J.E. and Sharma, S., 2019. Physiology, sleep. StatPearls [Internet].
  23. 23
    St-Onge, M.P., 2013. The role of sleep duration in the regulation of energy balance: effects on energy intakes and expenditure. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 9(1), pp.73-80.
  24. 24
    Chu, B., Marwaha, K. and Ayers, D., 2020. Physiology, Stress Reaction. StatPearls [Internet].
  25. 25
    Kozlowska, K., Walker, P., McLean, L. and Carrive, P., 2015. Fear and the defense cascade: clinical implications and management. Harvard review of psychiatry.
  26. 26
    Slowik, J.M. and Collen, J.F., 2020. Obstructive Sleep Apnea. StatPearls [Internet].
  27. 27
    Zhang, D., Lee, E.K., Mak, E.C., Ho, C.Y. and Wong, S.Y., 2021. Mindfulness-based interventions: an overall review. British Medical Bulletin.
  28. 28
    Matura, L.A., Malone, S., Jaime-Lara, R. and Riegel, B., 2018. A systematic review of biological mechanisms of fatigue in chronic illness. Biological research for nursing, 20(4), pp.410-421.
  29. 29
    Karatzaferi, C. and Chase, P.B., 2013. Muscle fatigue and muscle weakness: What we know and what we wish we did. Frontiers in physiology, 4, p.125.
  30. 30
    Brown, D.M. and Bray, S.R., 2019. Effects of mental fatigue on exercise intentions and behavior. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(5), pp.405-414.
  31. 31
    Grandjean, E., 1979. Fatigue in industry. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 36(3), pp.175-186.
  32. 32
    Caruso, C.C., 2014. Negative impacts of shiftwork and long work hours. Rehabilitation Nursing, 39(1), pp.16-25.
  33. 33
    Braley, T.J., Segal, B.M. and Chervin, R.D., 2015. Hypnotic use and fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Sleep medicine, 16(1), pp.131-137.
  34. 34
    Boneva, R.S., Lin, J.M.S. and Unger, E.R., 2015. Early menopause and other gynecologic risk indicators for chronic fatigue syndrome in women. Menopause (New York, NY), 22(8), p.826.
  35. 35
    Targum, S.D. and Fava, M., 2011. Fatigue as a residual symptom of depression. Innovations in clinical neuroscience, 8(10), p.40.
  36. 36
    Reeves, W.C., Wagner, D., Nisenbaum, R., Jones, J.F., Gurbaxani, B., Solomon, L., Papanicolaou, D.A., Unger, E.R., Vernon, S.D. and Heim, C., 2005. Chronic fatigue syndrome–a clinically empirical approach to its definition and study. BMC medicine, 3(1), pp.1-9.
  37. 37
    Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  38. 38
    Dave, N.D., Xiang, L., Rehm, K.E. and Marshall, G.D., 2011. Stress and allergic diseases. Immunology and Allergy Clinics, 31(1), pp.55-68.
  39. 39
    Zielinski, M.R., Systrom, D.M. and Rose, N.R., 2019. Fatigue, sleep, and autoimmune and related disorders. Frontiers in immunology, 10, p.1827.

NOW... ask yourself this important question:

“Have you ever seen, or even heard of, any other course designed to improve and increase your energy, that is based on that much scientific research?”

What exactly do you get in the How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course?

You get 30 short and to-the-point videos. We made sure there was no fluff — just the most important stuff you need to know, and do, to start getting back all of your natural energy and verve! All the videos are beautifully shot and produced, so it’s easy and enjoyable for you to consume the content, learn the 6 steps, and start putting them into practice.

You get 25 (optional) quizzes that will reinforce the knowledge you learned in the videos, and help you retain the concepts and information that are so important to you making the changes that will boost your energy fast!

You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to all the videos and the quizzes. Everything is located in one place — an easy-to-access website, where you can login anytime you like.

The videos and courses will teach you the exact same 6-step system I used to rapidly regain all of my energy, and start feeling better every day. Each of the strategies you’re going to learn in this course is based on the conclusions of scientific research, and the latest findings from the latest studies... so these strategies are proven to work!

If You’re One Of The First 100 People To Try It Out...

You’ll Get My New Course —

How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue...

For 50% OFF The Regular Price.

I used the words ‘try it out’ above (and underlined them) because you really have no risk here.

You can test drive my entire course risk-free, and use it for a full 60 days... and if you’re not getting the results you want, or if you change your mind for ANY reason at all, just let me know within 60 days of your purchase and I’ll return all your money, no questions asked.

I’ve used the 6 simple steps and the energy-boosting strategies that you’ll learn in my How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course myself, and I’ve taught them to many of my patients too...

...but this is the first time this program will be available in an online, video-based format. 

So right now, I’m making a special offer ONLY to the first 100 people who order.

If you’re one of the first 100 people to order, you’ll get my How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course for just one payment of $47, and you’ll get 2 SPECIAL BONUSES too (see below).

I’m making this special offer now so I can get this first version of the course into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback, so I can keep improving the program.


After the first 100 people order, the price for How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue will go up to $94, and the 2 bonuses will NO LONGER be included.

AND... If You’re One Of The First 100 People To Try My New How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue Course... You’re Also Going To Get These



Getting a Good Night Sleep — 7 Practical Tips For Improving Sleep

The quantity AND QUALITY of sleep you get is a HUGE factor in how much energy you have every day. And SO MANY people either don’t get enough sleep, or don’t get high quality sleep, or both.

So, I created a special 25-page sleep manual, which is beautifully designed as a PDF file (which can be viewed (and printed out) on any computer, mobile device, or tablet).

The manual is called Getting A Good Night Sleep — 7 Practical Tips For Improving Sleep, and the strategies in this manual are going to help get this super-important area of your life (sleep) handled and working properly for you, once and for all... not only for increasing your energy, and feeling better every day, but also for your overall health and happiness!

The 7 strategies you’ll learn in this bonus manual are scientifically proven to work — they’ve been proven to help people like you get more sleep and get better quality sleep. In fact, these strategies are based on the conclusions of over 130 different medical and scientific studies and research publications.

The information in this manual is so valuable that I’m planning to turn this into a separate course of its own, and start charging a premium price for it! So, get this right now, for free... while you still can!

Here’s just a small sample of what you’re going to learn in this awesome bonus...

  • The #1 biggest factor that determines whether you will get a good night sleep or not. (see Page 3)
  • How furniture in your bedroom affects your sleep. (Believe it or not, your furniture is a factor!)
  • The most important external factor if you want to fall asleep faster, and stay asleep the entire night.
  • Noise can be a very disruptive factor for getting a good night’s sleep... but you actually can control noise a lot more than you might think. On Page 3, you’ll discover 5 different ways you can reduce or eliminate noise in your sleep environment, so you can start getting more and better sleep!
  • A super easy, super cheap way to start sleeping better TONIGHT!
  • 2 different ways your WORK and CAREER can cause chronic fatigue... (see Video 20 so you can AVOID these!)
  • Your electronic devices (phones, tablets, etc.) emit the kind of light that is on the same spectrum as the sun... and this type of light suppresses the production of melatonin in your body — this is the REAL reason you shouldn’t be using your devices right before bed (more on Page 6)
  • 5 (easy) things you can do starting tonight that will make it A LOT easier to fall asleep... and stay asleep!
  • Most people’s bodies are suppressing melatonin and producing cortisol right before they try to go to sleep... and this is exactly the opposite of what helps you fall asleep. On Page 6, you’ll learn what most people do that causes this, and how to avoid it!
  • The one thing that SHOULDN’T be in your bedroom if you want to get a good night’s sleep... (see the answer on Page 7)
  • The super simple fix that could make sleeping a lot EASIER for you... and a lot more BENEFICIAL... (HINT: it has to do with your thermostat)
  • The process inside our bodies that governs all of our sleep... and how YOU CAN CONTROL IT, so you can INCREASE YOUR ENERGY and feel a lot better every day! (see Page 8)
  • A simple change you can make in just a few seconds... that can significantly increase the amount time you spend in DEEP SLEEP each night... which will significantly increase the amount and quality of recovery you get during sleep, as well as boost your immune system, cognitive function, and other important bodily processes.
  • The double benefit of having blinds in your bedroom... (see Page 8)
  • What kind of clothes you should wear to bed... and WHY (see Page 8)
  • Most people have at least some stress and anxiety in their lives... lots of people have LOTS... of both of them! Stress and anxiety are SLEEP KILLERS! If you want to sleep better and increase your energy, and feel better more of the time, you HAVE TO learn how to relax and calm yourself at the end of the day, especially before bed. On Pages 9 and 10, you’ll learn the most powerful ways to calm yourself at the end of the day, and before bed. These methods will help you sleep better, starting right away!
  • Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night? Does it happen a lot? DO YOU WISH YOU COULD FALL BACK ASLEEP FAST? In this bonus manual, you’ll learn a technique for reducing tension in your body in just a few minutes, which can help tremendously when you’re trying to fall back asleep!
  • On Page 11, you’re going to learn a simple technique that can actually induce relaxation and sleep, so you can fall asleep easier, and stay asleep all night.
  • A simple thing you can do every night before bed to REDUCE or even ELIMINATE insomnia...
  • Why naps might not be such a good idea... (see Page 12 to find out why...)
  • People who set up a __________ are proven to be less prone to conditions like insomnia and depression, and also have healthier organ system function.
  • DEEP SLEEP increases your recovery, boosts your immune system, improves your cognitive function, and lots more. Most people do something before bed that they BELIEVE will help them sleep, but it actually DECREASES the amount of deep sleep they get. (Find out what it is on Page 13...)
  • Want to know the EXACT kind of exercise that leads to MUCH BETTER sleep? The answer is on Page 14.
  • There’s a special machine you can buy that can help you fall asleep in just 8 minutes, and help you get a more get a restful and more restorative night's sleep. (You’ll learn all about it on Page 15)
  • Do melatonin supplements actually work? Do they actually help you fall asleep and sleep better throughout the night? (You’ll find out on Page 16.)
  • And there’s lots more...


Ultimate 7-Day Energy-Boosting Diet & Menu Planner

We all know how important it is to eat high-quality food that actually helps your body function.

This is such an important part of increasing your energy that I wanted to make sure you have all the details, all the exact steps to take, and all the tools you need to make this EASY, so you can actually implement this into your life.

That’s the problem people have when it comes to eating better — implementing. We all know how to do it... we just DON’T DO IT!

My Ultimate 7-Day Energy-Boosting Diet & Menu Planner is all about THAT — making it MUCH EASIER for you to actually DO IT.

And a big part of it is being kinder to yourself, being easier on yourself, and realizing things like: you don’t need to give up delicious foods you love to eat better, and get healthier, and dramatically increase your energy.

You’re going to love this bonus —  you get a comprehensive 33-page manual which shares the best strategies (and recipes!) I’ve ever found and developed for eating better, and still enjoying your life... and you get a menu planner, which gives you 7 healthy, delicious, enjoyable, energy-boosting options for each meal, every day of the week. These tools are going to make it so much easier for you to eat better, and significantly increase your daily energy!

Here’s just a fraction of what you’re going to get and learn in this valuable bonus...

  • You’re going to finally learn what REALLY keeps you full until your next meal, so you won’t even feel the NEED to snack anymore. (see Page 3)
  • WHY you need to eat protein, how much of it you ACTUALLY need, and the healthiest sources of it...
  • How to be healthy AND eat meat... and how to be healthy WITHOUT eating meat... (This meal plan is very flexible!)
  • How to EASILY prevent and protect yourself from nutrient deficiencies and deficiency diseases (e.g. anemia)
  • Why FAT IS GOOD FOR YOU... why you should be eating it EVERY DAY... and how to do it in a way that’s healthy, enjoyable, and energy-boosting!
  • How to get the ALL-IMPORTANT Omega 3’s... WITHOUT having to take foul-smelling, fish oil pills every day... (see Page 3)
  • You’re going to learn LOTS of ways to keep yourself FULLER LONGER, throughout the day, so you’re not constantly distracted by hunger pangs, and worrying about snacking all day.
  • How fast food and junk food are a LIE... and how both are formulated to manipulate your body into wanting MORE and MORE and MORE of it.
  • YES... DAIRY IS GOOD FOR YOU! Milk, yogurt, and yes........ CHEESE is good for you too! Rejoice and enjoy! (Starting on Page 17, you’re going to learn how to eat dairy the healthy, but still very enjoyable way.)
  • What “hidden hunger” is... and why it’s SO DANGEROUS... and how to AVOID it.
  • You’re going to learn: “The Top 5 Foods And Drinks That Are Energy Vampires!” These foods and drinks STEAL energy from you every day... so try to avoid these as much as you can.
  • What UPFs are, and why you need to avoid them LIKE THE PLAGUE. (See page 5)
  • Why people REALLY suffer from fatigue... (The answer is on Page 4)
  • BREAD IS GOOD FOR YOU... you can enjoy bread! In this bonus, you’ll learn how you can enjoy delicious bread, guilt-free, every single day of your life, if you want!
  • Why you need to be careful with sandwiches and hot dogs... especially if you have high blood pressure.
  • 5 drinks that you can DEFINITELY enjoy on occasion... but you shouldn’t make a regular part of your routine. (Page 7)
  • How most people use up half their sugar allowance for the whole day... JUST AT BREAKFAST. (Avoid this, and watch your energy GO UP!)
  • A super food (excellent source of protein, fat, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc) that you can add to soups, salads, drinks, and you’ll never taste a difference.
  • The Top 10 Energy-Boosting Foods (See Page 9)
  • Why you can drink coffee... every day if you like! (See page 14)
  • Why there is no magic, one-size-fits-all diet, and why there never can be...
  • 20 TRULY AWESOME, TRULY DELICIOUS and TRULY ENERGY-BOOSTING recipes that you are going to LOVE!
  • And lots more...

Don’t BUY… TRY!

Try My New Course: How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue

RISK-FREE For 60 Days!

My course comes with a 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, unconditional 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive the whole program to MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!

If you’re not getting the results you want, or if you’re not completely satisfied, or if you just change your mind, for ANY reason at all... just contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase at, and we will immediately issue you a full refund

Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue?

To show you how confident I am in this program.

Everything in this program is based on real scientific studies and research. These strategies, methods, and tips have been PROVEN to work. And you won’t find another program like this anywhere.

I’m extremely confident that if you will try these strategies, you will feel a significant increase in your energy, and you will start feeling a lot better, a lot more of the time. But if for some reason, you don’t, then you’re totally protected.

I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can get this course, and try all the different strategies with no pressure or fear.

By offering you a 60-day, unconditional 100% money-back guarantee, you can change your mind at any time during the first 60 days, and you have nothing at risk. I want you to be able to learn the strategies in this program, and try them out for a full 60 days, so you can see what they can do for you!

I don’t want you to worry about whether this will work or not, or whether you’re going lose out, or anything like that. With my 60-day guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and just focus on doing the program and getting the results you want.

So, don’t BUY my How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course

TRY IT OUT first, for a full 60 days…

And if at any time during that period, you want your money back instead, just let my team know, and you will have it

Here’s everything you get for just $94 $47...


You get 30 short and to-the-point videos. We made sure there was no fluff — just the most important stuff you need to know, and do, to start getting back all of your natural energy and verve! All the videos are beautifully shot and produced, so it’s easy and enjoyable for you to consume the content, learn the 6 steps, and start putting them into practice.

($77 value)


You get 25 (optional) quizzes that will reinforce the knowledge you learned in the videos, and help you retain the concepts and information that are so important to you making the changes that will boost your energy fast!

($7 value)


You also get a 25-page PDF called Getting A Good Night Sleep — 7 Practical Tips For Improving Sleep. The strategies in this special manual are scientifically proven (based on the conclusions of over 130 medical and scientific studies and research publications) and are going to help get this super-important area of your life (sleep) handled and working properly for you, once and for all... not only for increasing your energy, and feeling better every day, but also for your overall health and happiness!

($67 value)


You also get the Ultimate 7-Day Energy-Boosting Diet, which is a comprehensive 33-page manual which shares the best strategies (and recipes!) I’ve ever found and developed for eating better, and still enjoying your life... AND you get my Ultimate 7-Day Energy-Boosting Menu Planner, which gives you 7 healthy, delicious, enjoyable, energy-boosting options for each meal, every day of the week. These tools are going to make it so much easier for you to eat better, and significantly increase your daily energy!

($67 value)


Anytime the How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course is updated, you will get access to the new version.

($27 value)





> > > YOUR PRICE (If you’re one of the first 100 people to order!)


Click this yellow button to order now:


  • Right after you order, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course, and the 2 special bonuses, and you will have 24/7/365, lifetime access to everything (unless you choose to get a refund within 60 days of your purchase).
  • Only the first 100 people who order will get this heavily discounted price and the 2 SPECIAL BONUSES. I’m offering the special discounted price of $47 and the 2 bonuses to the first 100 people who order so I can get this first version of this course into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback, so I can keep improving the program, but after the first 100 people order, the price for this course will go up to $94, and 2 bonuses will no longer be included!
  • This course comes with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get this program now and just try it out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, or you just decide to change your mind, for ANY reason, just let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

Who Created The How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue Course?

Hi, I’m Dr. Mike Hansen, and I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, so you can feel comfortable that the course you’re considering comes from a credible authority, with expert-level training and experience.

Here are a few relevant facts about me:

  • I’m a board-certified internist, intensivist, and pulmonologist. In other words, I’m a doctor who specializes in internal medicine, critical care medicine, and pulmonary disease.
  • Between medical school, postgraduate training, and my actual practice of medicine, I’ve dedicated over 15 years of my life to understanding how to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases that affect adults, as well as optimize, and maintain health and fitness.
  • I believe that education is the key to health. Preventing disease, and health problems before they occur is the best and easiest way to be and stay healthy, and the key to prevention is education.
  • This is why I started building a YouTube channel about 2 years ago, creating free videos that help educate people on how to get and stay healthy. In just under 2 years, my channel has grown to over 900,000 subscribers, and I receive tons of wonderful comments from viewers, such as these...

Why My Course Might NOT Work For You...

Because nothing works for everyone.

That’s just life.

BUT... ask yourself this question:

Is it worth a one-time payment of $47 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...

...and just a few minutes a day (or less)… see what this course can actually do for you?

Like I said, nothing works for everyone...

But, what if this DOES work for YOU?

  • What if this course ACTUALLY DID help you feel a LOT MORE energy, every single day?
  • What if this course ACTUALLY DID help you feel A LOT BETTER, every single day?
  • What if after taking this course you ACTUALLY start to LOVE waking up in the morning, because you feel so full of energy, instead of feeling tired, sore, and rundown in the morning?
  • What if after using the strategies in this course, you ACTUALLY started feeling HAPPIER, a lot more of the time?
  • What if this course helped you to perform better at work, and enjoy it more?
  • What if this course ACTUALLY DID make you feel a decade younger (or more), because you have so much more energy?

What if this course ACTUALLY worked for you?

Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?...

...especially since you have no risk?


You Have To Be One Of The First 100 People To Try My New How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue Course To Get It For Just One Payment Of $47...

(Regular Price = $94)

AND Get The 2 Special Bonuses!

(Comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. No questions. No hassles.)

Here’s everything you get for just $94 $47...


You get 30 short and to-the-point videos. We made sure there was no fluff — just the most important stuff you need to know, and do, to start getting back all of your natural energy and verve! All the videos are beautifully shot and produced, so it’s easy and enjoyable for you to consume the content, learn the 6 steps, and start putting them into practice.

($77 value)


You get 25 (optional) quizzes that will reinforce the knowledge you learned in the videos, and help you retain the concepts and information that are so important to you making the changes that will boost your energy fast!

($7 value)


You also get a 25-page PDF called Getting A Good Night Sleep — 7 Practical Tips For Improving Sleep. The strategies in this special manual are scientifically proven (based on the conclusions of over 130 medical and scientific studies and research publications) and are going to help get this super-important area of your life (sleep) handled and working properly for you, once and for all... not only for increasing your energy, and feeling better every day, but also for your overall health and happiness!

($67 value)


You also get the Ultimate 7-Day Energy-Boosting Diet, which is a comprehensive 33-page manual which shares the best strategies (and recipes!) I’ve ever found and developed for eating better, and still enjoying your life... AND you get my Ultimate 7-Day Energy-Boosting Menu Planner, which gives you 7 healthy, delicious, enjoyable, energy-boosting options for each meal, every day of the week. These tools are going to make it so much easier for you to eat better, and significantly increase your daily energy!

($67 value)


Anytime the How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course is updated, you will get access to the new version.

($27 value)





> > > YOUR PRICE (If you’re one of the first 100 people to order!)


Click this yellow button to order now:


  • Right after you order, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire How To Increase Energy & Banish Fatigue course, and the 2 special bonuses, and you will have 24/7/365, lifetime access to everything (unless you choose to get a refund within 60 days of your purchase).
  • Only the first 100 people who order will get this heavily discounted price and the 2 SPECIAL BONUSES. I’m offering the special discounted price of $47 and the 2 bonuses to the first 100 people who order so I can get this first version of this course into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback, so I can keep improving the program, but after the first 100 people order, the price for this course will go up to $94, and 2 bonuses will no longer be included!
  • This course comes with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get this program now and just try it out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, or you just decide to change your mind, for ANY reason, just let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

Copyright 2025
